La nostra strategia di modernizzazione e internazionalizzazione si fonda sul concetto di condivisione delle idee e pratiche delle arti figurative, digitali e scenografiche.

Nel Sud Italia abbiamo una naturale propensione all'accoglienza ed all'apprendimento alla pari: Bari è considerata, da sempre, la porta verso l'Oriente. Questa attitudine è la base del nostro approccio formativo. Un approccio che va oltre le lingue, le credenze e le razze. La modernizzazione è messa in relazione critica con le pratiche e le storie del territorio.

L'innovazione è intesa come una opportunità per costruire una società aperta fondata sull'integrazione e l'interazione.

I mondi delle arti figurative, digitali e scenografiche sono in continuo mutamento. Le nuove generazioni hanno sempre più bisogno di prendere coscienza dei vantaggi della mobilità, dei flussi e dei mutamenti. Tutto ciò si può ottenere grazie al supporto professionale e finanziario che garantisce la cooperazione, gli scambi e la condivisione.

I nostri partenariati sono ottenuti con modalità diverse: il capitale relazione dei nostri docenti e studenti; il passa parola; le visite preparatorie; i contatti online. Seguendo l'approccio della condivisione non abbiamo nessun tipo di restrizione geografica alla cooperazione internazionale.

L'accettazione di un accordo è basato su pochi punti: sicurezza, qualità delle lezioni, facilità di accesso al territorio, presenza di istituzioni artistiche (musei, gallerie), diversità di metodologie didattiche e di discipline rispetto alle proprie. Intendiamo l'internazionalizzazione come un processo di condivisione di esperienze e conoscenza sia a livello locale sia a livello globale. Questo è l'obiettivo principale delle nostre attività orientate alla mobilità dello staff accademico e degli studenti nel primo e secondo ciclo.


Erasmus Policy Statement (english)

Our modernisation and internationalisation strategy is founded on sharing ideas and practices in fine, digital and scenographic arts. In the South of Italy we have a natural attitude to welcome diversity and peer learning. This attitude is the foundation of our educational approach. An approach that overcomes languages, creeds and races.

Modernization is critically related to local practices and history. Innovation is intended as an opportunity to create an open society founded on integration and interaction.

The worlds of fine, digital and scenographic arts are in a constant mutation. New generations need more awareness on mobility, flows and mutations. This can be achieved with professional involvement and financial support that guarantees cooperation, exchanges and sharing. Our partners come from different connections: relational capital of institution staff and students; word of mouth; preparatory visits; online networking. Following our approach there are no geographical restrictions to international cooperation.

The acceptance of an agreement is based on few points: safety, quality of classes, logistic approach in the local area, presence of art institutions (museums, galleries), diversity of teaching methods and disciplines. Internationalisation is sharing experiences and knowledge at local and global level. This is the most important objective of our mobility activities involving both the staff and students in first and second cycles (we haven’t got a third cycle).

Welcome to the Accademia di Belle Arti di Bari! We are excited to welcome Erasmus students from all over the world. Below, you will find a step-by-step guide for the application procedure:


The first step to participating in the Erasmus program is to be nominated by your home university. Contact your university's Erasmus coordinator to express your interest and ensure you meet all the necessary requirements.


Once nominated, you will need to prepare the following documents (downloadable forms will be provided):

  • Erasmus Application Form: Completed and signed in all its parts (link)
  • Learning Agreement: Agreed upon with your university's Erasmus coordinator and our Erasmus office
  • Motivation Letter: Explain why you want to study at our Academy and what your academic and personal goals are
  • Artistic Portfolio: A selection of your most significant artistic works

Learning Agreement (Before and During)

  • For completing the Learning Agreement, you can find information about professors and courses in the Docenti and Offerta formativa section on the Academy's website. The Learning Agreement (Before Learning Agreement) you send us before the start of your mobility is provisional, and you can replace subjects according to availability and your preferences once you arrive at the Academy.
  • It is possible to choose classes from the Bachelor’s (Triennio) and Master’s (Biennio) sections, regardless of your current level of study.
  • Study plans include both semester and annual subjects. Credits assigned for each subject must be agreed upon with each individual professor (in case of an annual subject that will be taken for only one semester).
  • We invite you to submit the Learning Agreement online if your institution has started using the EWP platform at this Otherwise, you will find a manual Learning Agreement form to fill out (attached).



Send all the required documents to our Erasmus Office by the following deadlines:

  • For the first semester (September-January) or full year: June 30
  • For the second semester (February-June): November 30

Documents must be sent via email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Application Evaluation

Once we receive all the documents, our Erasmus Office will evaluate your application. If your application is accepted, you will receive an official acceptance letter via email.

Acceptance Certificate

If needed, you can request an Acceptance Certificate by completing the attached document and sending it to: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Preparing for Your Arrival

After receiving your acceptance letter, you can begin preparing for your arrival in Bari. We recommend:

  • Looking for accommodation: You can contact our Erasmus Office for advice and support in finding housing
  • Planning your trip: Make sure to arrive in Bari a few days before classes start to get settled.
  • Obtaining a visa (if necessary): Check if your country requires a visa to study in Italy and, if so, start the application process.

Language Proficiency

According to our bilateral agreement, we formally request a knowledge of Italian at least at level B1 (even self-certified) since all classes are conducted in Italian. However, we are very flexible on this point and encourage students to view the Erasmus mobility as an opportunity to learn and practice the language.

Academic Calendar (Calendario delle attività)

On the official Academy website, you will find the Calendario delle attività didattiche, which contains information on all the important dates for your stay, such as the start and end of the semester/academic year, exam session dates, and holidays.

The latest possible end date for your mobility is the last day of the exam session.

Class Schedule (Orario delle lezioni)

Orario delle lezioni is published at the beginning of each semester and contains the classes available for the current semester.


To receive the credits listed in the Learning Agreement, you must take the exam. The dates of the sessions are in the Academic Calendar, but the date of each exam will be announced near the exam date on the Academy website.

If you are unable to take the exam on-site, you can request an online exam session (to be agreed upon and approved by the professor, coordinator, and director upon special request).

End of Mobility Documents (Transcript of Records)

At the end of the exam session, the exams taken must be reported to the Erasmus office at the following address: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

After the necessary checks, you will receive the document containing the grades and credits earned (Transcript of Records) and the Certificate of Attendance.

Welcome to the Academy!

Once you arrive, participate in the orientation days organized by the Academy. These meetings will help you get to know the campus, the faculty, and other Erasmus students. During your stay, our Erasmus Office will always be available for assistance and support.

Contact Information

For further information, do not hesitate to contact us:

Erasmus Office

Email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Phone: +39 080 5565535


Responsabile Erasmus

  • Prof. Raffaele Fiorella
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